Joseph Vella. About 1984.

My mother cannot read or write
Her family was poor so Mum had to help out with the house chores, rather than go to school. 
One day I asked Mum if she would like to get closer to Jesus and know Him as Lord and Saviour, She said yes. 
So she said a prayer after me to Receive Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour (This was about 1984).  
Some months later, she came visiting for a few days so I asked her if she would like to receive the Holy Spirit as well, she said yes.. so we prayed together for Her to receive The Baptism with the Holy Spirit with The Evidence of speaking in other Tongues as the Spirit gives the Utterance. Acts 1:5. Acts 1:8.  
As I prayed for Her She Said that a “Little White Bird landed in Her cupped hands” (It was a Dove, which is symbolic of The Holy Spirit). She said that the WIND went down Her mouth, and She Started to speak In “Other Tongues”. Acts 2:2. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.  
Now, I believe that Jesus showed her the Dove because She cannot read or write so that she will have something to hold on to. 
This is how Caring, Beautiful and Merciful Jesus is. 
Mum used to pray to hold the Bible in her hands because she cannot read.  
There came a day when I was about to Baptize some People in water at my Creek. My Mum happened to be visiting again that day. so I ask Mum if she would like to be baptized in Water and She said, "No" because I was Baptized as a Baby? So I said, that's OK... Let's walk down to the Creek and you can watch me Baptize these people who have accepted Jesus.  
As we were walking down to the Creek, Mum said, "The Holy Spirit just told me to get Baptized in the water?". She also said, “I have a fear of water” so you have to hold me? Bless God. 
That Day she was Baptized in Water along with about four other people. "Note" That creek is called "Crystal Creek".  
Many years later My dear Mother got a stroke and passed away at a good age of 86 years old. I have had the privilege of praying for Her Healing but, all I could say was Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. 
In my heart I knew it was her time to go, So I said, "Time for you to go home" pop is waiting and so Jesus, Mum. A short time later she went home to be with Jesus, whom she loved. 
She is now starting her first Thousand years living with Jesus in Heaven, Then Forever and Forever. 
I will say this again; You know? She doesn't know the Bible. She couldn't read or write. She did not know what a Dove is. She did not know what that wind was that went down Her Throat. 
If you check the BIBLE in Acts 2: 2-4 you will find that is what happened to Jesus disciples and Mary the Mother of Jesus in, Acts 1:14. Acts 2:4. Now I say this for your sake: My Mum is now in Heaven simply because she said "YES" to Jesus' Death on the Cross, Romans 10:9-10. Mum is now with Jesus not because she is good or bad...It has nothing to do with her, all she could do is say "Yes" to Jesus, 
Then she became washed with the Precious Spilled Blood of Jesus Christ. She became a Child and Heir to the Kingdom of God, she has been given Eternal Life because She said yes to Jesus. She simply believed that Jesus died for her...”That is why she is Saved”. John 10:9. Mark 16:16. Acts 2:21. 1 Corinthians 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty things; 
Every person on this Earth will live for Eternity, the thing is, where will you spend it? Heaven or Hell?. It's Your Choice. Will you risk going to hell because you think, you can be Saved, tomorrow? You never know "Death" could happen to you at any moment... 2 Corinthians 6:2 ( is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)  
Living with Jesus is an adventure, Oh, you will still have problems, but it's the most exciting thing that could happen to anyone. 
It's learning to be obedient to the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. It's learning to LOVE. 
It's learning to pray for the sick and hurting. It's coming against the devil and saying "NO" you cannot have "my loved ones". Jesus will give you the power to walk on this Earth. 
John said about Jesus in Matthew 3:11 ..he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: (Two separate experiences). Jesus said in John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him at the last day.
Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:  
I pray that the Everlasting Father Draws you; that you will listen to His calling. "It's Your Choice"  
My love in Christ Jesus. Joseph Vella.



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