The Ministry of Reconciliation.

The Ministry of Reconciliation. Rev 6. 13/09/2021. Joseph Vella. All Scripture is in KJV, unless otherwise noted. “2 Corinthians 5: 17-21. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Comments by John Wesley on 2 Cor 5:17. Therefore, if anyone be in Christ - A true believer in him. There is a new creation - Only the power that makes a world can make a Christian. And when he is so created, the old things are passed away - Of their own accord, even as snow in spring. Behold - The present, visible, undeniable change! All things have become new - He has new life, new senses, new faculties, new affections, new appetites, new ideas and conceptions. His whole tenor of action and conversation is new, and he lives, as it were, in a new world. God, men, the whole creation, heaven, earth, and all therein, appear in a new light, and stand related to him in a new manner, since he was created anew in...