MY PRAYER AGAINST COVID-19. Joseph Vella August 10/2020 MY PRAYER. Lord, I ask that people that are dying from this Spawn from hell the Corona-Virus will have a chance to accept or deny Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Send them a Minister, Lord. SAVE THEM LORD JESUS. So they too can Worship you. AMEN. Lord, Save everyone that is dying from this evil Covid-19. It is your WILL for US to have a LONG LIFE and NOT DIE. IN JESUS NAME. Psalms 91:16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S SAKE , LORD, We ASK YOU to remove this Spawn from hell like it never existed. Deliver the Righteous With the Unrighteous altogether, for GREAT is YOUR LOVE and MERCY. You have Created Us in Your Image , the devil has no place in Your Children. Nor has he any right over us, we are strangers in this Planet called Earth. Our Home Address is Heaven, Care-Of JESUS. Luke 4:18. ...