
Showing posts with the label discerning of spirits


DISCERNING GOOD AND EVIL.  Joseph Vella. Discerning between Good and Evil.   A mature person knows God's ways and applies them.  Their discernment is very Strong, being able to know the difference between Good and evil.    Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. True Story. I have had a new person named (Not real names) Jezebel come to my Bible Studies, I knew she was up to no good, because I got warning in my spirit.    I found out later that Jezebel was sent by the husband of Eve who was at the Bible Study.  Jezebel reported that we were speaking in a strange language (Speaking in Tongues) an occult, so to stop this woman from coming to the Bible study. Sometime later.   Eve from my Bible Study had a 19-year-old boy who got sick with "A double rare dose of Leukemia" and was all skin and bones, dying. Eve's husband is the one who sent Jezebel to m