TO LOVE IS TO SPEAK THE TRUTH. Joseph Vella. 22/06/2022. THE LOVE OF GOD DEMANDS IT. IT IS TIME FOR PREACHERS TO CALL - Abortion SIN. It is sacrificing (killing) children to a demonic god called Baal. Jeremiah 19:5 … to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, … TO CALL - same-sex marriage SIN. Nature says only a Male and a Female can have young. God says it is an abomination. Romans 1:18-32. TO CALL - Out that Marriage is between a man and a woman, ONLY. " Mark 10:7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; " " Matthew 19:5 Jesus said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? ". Also, Ephesians 5:31. TO CALL - homosexuality is a SIN. God's Wrath on Unrighteousness. Romans 1:18-32. God's Wrath on Unrighteousness. Noah's Ark - Genesis 7:6. God's Wrath on Unrighteous...