WRONG TEACHINGS. Joseph Vella. July 19/2020. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Hosea 4:6. I am saddened to see Preachers attacking other Preachers. Usually, it is over the moving of the Holy Spirit and speaking in Tongues. They say it is not of God because people are staggering like they were drunk? Look at Acts 2:15. Revelation 1:17. They need to realize that The Holy Spirit is FREE to Move as He wills. 1 Corinthians 12:11. Then you get others saying Speaking in Tongues is not of God or telling others the rules about speaking in Tongues when they don't have the experience or speak in Tongues themselves. They have misunderstood 1 Corinthians 14:4-5. They are disobedient to Jesus because He commanded them to wait for the Promise of The Father. Act 1:4. The work of the Spirit: When a person is Born-Again They are plunged into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit . John 3:6...born of the Spirit... Born-Ag...