ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Joseph Vella · Sunday, September 23, 2018 I Am a Born Again, Spirit-Filled Christian. Born Again and Received the Baptism with Holy Spirit in May 1983. Ordained an Evangelist by Jesus Christ according to the will of God. Ephesians 4:11-12. Then it happened . Every night for three days I was at the foot of the Cross seeing Jesus hanging there... All I could say was “HE DIED FOR ME, HE DIED FOR ME, HE DIED FOR ME. The Holy Spirit made the crucifixion of Jesus so real to me, He just melted my heart. I WAS THERE, I SAW HIM, I SAW JESUS. HE DIED FOR ME. Jesus put a Fire into my Heart to win people to Him. Since then, I have seen the Love and Mercy of God at work on many People. I have seen Jesus set the Captives ...