Extract from my book; The Life of Jesus Christ.

Extract from my book; The Life of Jesus Christ. First edition, 31 March 1986. (Revised in 2002. Rev 3). Author Joseph Vella. The Name of Jesus. The Name of Jesus has affected different people, in different ways over the Centuries. Some love Him, some hate Him, and others are Indifferent. Nevertheless. The Name of Jesus is on everyone's lips. TO BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS. The Name of Jesus is a Joyful sound, full of Power, Majesty, Love, Mercy, and Salvation. TO THE CULTS. The Name of Jesus is used contrary to the Bible. So they can gain wealth, and power over People. They deny Him completely, or say He is an angel, or the devil’s brother, or a prophet, but, He is not God. TO THE UNBELIEVER’S. The Name of Jesus is a swear word. When something happens to them, they curse The Name of Jesus. TO THE DEVIL. The name of Jesus strikes terror, so the devil uses people, to curse, belittle, undermine, and deny The Name of Jesus. The devil today, an...