Joseph Vella. 25/01/2021

A QUESTION IS ASKED?  Is Moses, David, John the Baptist all doomed to hell, they never confessed Jesus as lord or God Raises from the dead. 

You have condemned a lot of the men in the OT by your doctrine. How about those following the 10 commandments??

ANSWERING The question. About the ten Commandments first.

I have condemned no one. I speak only the word of God... Jesus Fulfilled (not take away) All the Law and commandments.
Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
I Suggest you reading Romans Chapter 1 and on.

The people in the Old Testament died believing by faith in the Messiah yet to come. The Old Testament Saints that died were held in a place called "Abraham's Bosom" or "Paradise" which is a "holding place" in the third part of hell (hell has 3 compartments) Waiting for The Messiah "Jesus" to die on the Cross (Isaiah 53).

The first part of Hell is a holding place for Believers who died by faith believing for the Messiah yet to come. Luke 16:22-23.
Also, Jesus said to the thief on the cross.
Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, "Today" shalt thou be with me in paradise.

So "TODAY" Jesus took the "thief on the Cross" into Paradise which a holding place for believers.

The second part of hell is for all unbelievers. Held there waiting for "The Great White Throne Judgement" Revelations 20:11-15. Luke 16:23.

The third part of hell (Tartaros..the deepest abyss of Hades) is for the angels who sinned. 2 Peter 2:4.

WHY?? Did the Old Testament Saints had to wait for The Messiah to come and die first. Because no one can go to Heaven till after The Messiah died.

He had to become "The Lamb of God" by offering Himself up to pay for the sins of ALL Mankind.
Then all those WHO BELIEVE in Jesus can be saved. John 3:3.

When Jesus died on the Cross He went into the heart of the Earth (Hell) To preach the Gospel more fully and to give the Old Testament saints more understanding. Acts 2:27

Then they got Born-Again, Rose from the dead with Jesus, some walked the earth for a time, then they gave up their bodies and their spirits went to heaven.
Remember that no one could go to heaven till Jesus Died first and became "The Lamb" of God. Then the price of sin was Paid by the Precious Spilt Blood of Jesus Christ.

Simply put, Jesus preached the Gospel and gave them understanding and how to be Born-Again. They were saved and then on to heaven.

These Old Testament Saint's Died in Faith Believing in the Messiah yet to come, but had to wait till Jesus Died before they could be Born-Again. John 3:3

It's all in the Bible. Make time to Study it.

Jesus loves You. Joseph Vella.


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