The Character of God. Or the Character of Deity. 

Revision 3. 23 June 2012. Joseph Vella.     

This includes all the Godhead, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. 

I find it necessary to speak on this wonderful subject as I feel sadness in the heart of God because many people don’t know Him, or His eagerness to love, bless and to nurture all those who come to Him.   

There is urgency in my heart for people to get to know God.   

Hosea 4:6 says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:   

It seems God is getting blamed for all the sadness and destruction that is on the Earth.   

By learning and knowing about The Character of God, you will know that God will only give good things, and the devil can only give bad things. 

God is not double minded, He will not say one thing and do another, He will never, never use the devil to teach you something. He will not use sickness to punish or teach you something; And He is not out to get you. He is much, much Greater than that. He will have no fellowship with the devil. 

He loves you so very much, and He has given you a free will so you can choose to follow Jesus, or do your own thing. 

God the Father, gave God the Son, the Spotless Lamb to become Sin for the whole world. John 3:16 Says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son...                 

This Has to be the greatest sacrifice of Love and Salvation, that the World has ever known.   

You can see the great, great love that God has for His Creation; fallen Mankind, lost and without hope in the World, sinful, sick, and dying, all because Adam by his rebellion gave the Earth away to the devil, and the devil became the god of this World system, 2 Cor 4:4.     

Imagine the sadness the Father must have felt. He created the Earth for Mankind, so He can have fellowship with us. He created us in His image and in His Likeness,and now an evil and wicked fallen angel, called lucifer who became the devil, ruled this World system, in place of Adam. 

May I suggest that the next time you look in the mirror, look closer, the face you see is yours, but the shape of your image is of the Father in Heaven. 

You, Beloved are wonderfully made in the Image and likeness of your Father in Heaven.       

Please understand, that the Nature of God, is opposite to the nature of the devil, or the character of God is opposite to the character of the devil. 

What is the nature of the devil? Sin, sickness, disease, destruction, spiritual death and physical death. 

What is the Nature of God? Righteousness, Health, Peace and Eternal life. 

John10:10 Says "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. 

I want to give you 10 points on the Character of God. 

No 1. SOVEREIGNTY  means (Supremacy.) 

No 2. ABSOLUTE RIGHTEOUSNESS means (Always Righteous.) 

No 3. JUSTICE means (God is Perfect in Justice.) 

No 4. LOVE. means (God is Love.) 

No 5. ETERNAL LIFE. means (Self-Existence.) 

No 6. OMNIPRESENCE. means (Everywhere Present.) 

No 7. OMNISCIENCE. means (Knows All. ) 

No 8. OMNIPOTENCE. means (All Powerful.) 

No 9. IMMUTABILITY. means (Unchangeable.) 

No 10. VERACITY. means (Truthfulness or Cannot Lie.)   


No 1. Sovereignty, we all know that God is Sovereign, or is Supreme. It is very important we understand the Sovereignty of God, and how He works as a Supreme Being.   

 I am not trying to be unkind,but some People use the Sovereignty of God as an excuse not to do anything, like; They say, If God wants me to be healed, well, He can heal me, or; if God wants to give me the Holy Spirit, He can, or; if God wants to save me, He can. No, No, no He will not. 

Remember. We have been given a free will, which is Precious to Him. But. We are told to ask Him according to His Will - by Faith, believing that He is able to fulfill all His Promises. We have to ask the Father for what we want in Jesus Name. 

Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Everything we receive from God is by Faith according to His will and Purposes. 

So, get to know what His Will is?? It is our responsibility to get to know the Will of the Father. 

We need to know how to receive from God the Father. The only hindrance to receiving from God is US. There are many reasons why we don’t receive from God: 

For example; Unbelief, Wrong Teaching, Sin, Unforgiveness. Yet, I have seen God heal unbelievers when they have asked for prayer. 

If you think that God can do everything and anything, it gives you an excuse to say? I don’t have to do anything then.  

Remember that Salvation is a Free Gift to the World. 

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  

The Holy Spirit is a Free Gift to God’s Children. Acts 2:38 shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost..  

But we have to "ASK".  Luke 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? 

Also Remember,God gives all kinds of gifts to mankind, how do we get them?? They are received by faith; You have to reach out by faith to receive. 

As a Sovereign Creator God is ultimately responsible for everything that happens in all of Creation. So in 

Isaiah 45:7 God says .. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.   

Explanation? God made and put the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" and "The Tree of Life" in the midst of the Garden of Eden. But it was man’s choice, and man’s will, whether to take of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That choice is man’s free will. 

But God allowed it to happen, Because He gave Mankind a Free Will.                                               

Isaiah 45:7 is talking from the point of view that God is a Sovereign God, So ultimately He is responsible. Amos 3:6 shall there be evil in a city,and the LORD hath not done it?   

God is accused of closing up the womb of these women.                                                                        

Genesis 20:17-18 ..and they bare children. For the LORD had fast closed up all the wombs.              

These women sinned,and they unleashed the curse of the Law upon them.   

God said in Deuteronomy 30:19 you can have the blessings or the curse.   

The curse came when Adam and Eve sinned. 

The blessings and the Law came to protect God’s people.                                                                      

But the choice to obey or not to obey was theirs. We can walk in the Blessings of God. 

Just because you do something wrong doe’s not mean that God is about to do something bad to you. God gives good things. But often because of transgression something happens. 

People seem to want to accuse God of destruction, and the Bible translators Brought forth the same thinking. 1John 4:8 ..for God is love. 1John 4:16 ..God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God,   

Remember,That Good and evil is always a Choice. You Chose? God will never use the Devil to teach His children something, would You??                                         

God Chastises His Children through His Word.                                                                          

Explanation? As a Sovereign God.                                                                                                  

Exodus 15:26 ..I will put (Allow) none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. (:for I am Jehovah Rapha, The Lord that healeth Thee.) Brackets mine.   

Deuteronomy 7:15 ..And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put  (Allow) none of the evil diseases of Egypt, (The word "put" should have been translated "allow")

As a Sovereign God, He allows things to happen, - We call that His Permissive will.                         

WHY? Because God gave Mankind a free will. When Adam sinned, and the devil became the god of this world system, God in His Righteousness had to permit it to happen, 

WHY? Because God gave the Earth to Adam freely (Gen 1:26,) and Adam gave it away to the devil. When the Children of Israel obeyed God, He was able to protect them. 

When they disobeyed God, He Could not protect them - Why not? Because they choose to do their own thing, and God will not violate their own free will. 

He cannot make you get saved: But He has provided for you to get saved.                                       

He cannot make the world get saved: But it’s God’s will for the world to be saved.                          

There are certain things, which limit God; His Word (the Bible) limits Him.                                    

He can’t make you get healed: But, He has provided for you to get healed. 

God always operated on the basis of free will. God is always bound by His Word. He cannot Lie. Hebrews 6:18 ..impossible for God to lie, 

Sometimes Judgment Falls:                                                                                                                    

But God always gives written details; Example; Sodom & Gomorrah. Gen 18:17. Noah and the flood, Gen 6:12.   

No 2 Absolute Righteousness - (Always Righteous.) 

God is always Righteous in everything He does. He will always do what He says He will do. 

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

He is a Covenant Keeping God. Beloved, We have a Covenant with the Almighty Signed by the Precious blood of the Lamb. We are a Covenant people.         

****** Unfinished Work****

 Jesus Love's You. Joseph Vella.












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