Teach My People (Prophesy).

 Teach My People (Prophesy).

Joseph Vella · Friday, January 25, 2019.


Teach My People. (God told me) Joseph Vella, 2/9/84.

My people, come to me, let Me fill you with My love. John 14:27.

Believe all things in My Word, put on My Armour with the Sword of the Spirit. 

Receive The Holy Ghost as promised to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, for these promises are for you, My people. (Act 2:39  For the promise is unto you, and to your children,...)

Come to Me now, let Me into your hearts, don't limit Me to your ways, but believe in My Word. My heart is sad for all people who love Me, and thirst for Me, yet know not My ways, the Pharisees (ministers) have not taught them My ways.

My people, have I not given My Life for you, according to My Father's will, to give Salvation and gifts unto men. Walk now, as my children on Earth. The time is close, soon I will return for you, as I have promised. 

Go and teach all nation's for soon, very soon, will I come as a thief in the night, watch always, be ready, love one another, as I have loved you. Judge not, and you will not be judged, forgive as I have forgiven you. My children, My children, fill your heart's with love, be as children, as little children, without malice to anyone. (Revelation 3:3 ...I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee).

My Spirit is moving across the land, for those who wish to receive; to be filled to overflowing, as a stream whose bank's cannot hold back the rushing water.

My people don't be deceived by the evil one, for many will be deceived to their everlasting sorrow. Read from My Word's, learn and study, I will guide you. Be subject, one to another, help one another, Love, Love, Love, one another. 

Though the world persecutes you for my sake, I will be with you, yes, I am already with you. Don't be afraid of men, for I will guide you. Be bold, have courage, do all things in My Name, for My Name's sake, for you have My promise of Eternal Life.

Million's upon million's are yet to call upon My Name, and they shall be saved, how, how, you ask, will they be saved.??

My children, in My Name, as My Spirit moves, move with Him, with faith, mountains can be moved. All things are possible in My Name, doubt not, but believe, for I am Lord. (Mark 11:23-24).

All things, My Father have given to Me. All things are Mine, My Father and I are one, and We will come to you and live with you forever.

Take up your sword, and My Armour, for you fight not men, but the evil one, who will deceive all Nations, into destruction, but the days are cut short, or they will destroy themselves. Pray always one for another, pray for the World, pray for the Nations. (Ephesians 6:11-12).

O Israel, (now, all nations) My people, harden not your heart's, leave your pride, love the Lord your God, with all your heart's, come as little children before Me, humble your selves before My Father, in Heaven.

As I look upon the Earth, I see sadness, cruelty, torture, and all manner of sin. Go forth my children, preach the scriptures, and all who come to Me will be saved (Mark 13:13...the same shall be saved). Ask and you shall receive. Bear My cross, fear not, for I Am with you, always, and your rewards are with me. AMEN.

Little Children, know that you are Loved.

Jesus Love's You. Joseph Vella.


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