SALVATION PRAYER 2. Joseph Vella. 17/07/2022. You Died for Me on the Cross so that I may have ETERNAL LIFE with You. Thank You, LORD JESUS. He was born of a Virgin Mary, she called Him Jesus. He paid the price of sin for you and me. He paid that price with His Life's Blood. On the cross of Calvary Jesus became the Sacrificial Lamb of God , who takes away the Sin (One Sin. Adam's Sin.) of the World. HE DIED FOR YOU AND ME. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, Born of a Virgin Mary, that is good. Because..., Jesus is waiting for you to invite Him into Your Heart. To make Him LORD and SAVIOUR, so you can have a Personal Relationship with Him. Revelations 3:20, John 3:3. TO BE SAVED YOU MUST ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. Jesus Said..." Unless a man is Born Again, he will not enter the Kingdom of God" . John 3:3. IF, You're sick or infirm; Jesus bore your sicknesses and carried your infirmities. 1 Peter 2:24 " Who his own self bare our sin...